
Mallaskellari @ SOPP

SOPP, Suuret Oluet – Pienet Panimot translates as Great Beers – Small Breweries. True to its name, this happening that’s introducing great beers from small breweries takes place for third time in Oulu. There will be more than twenty breweries showcasing their products from all over Finland. Mallaskellari will be there as well with ten own beers on taps.

Happening is at Kauppatori at Oulu 29.-31.8.2019. Opening times are:

  • Thu 29.8. 15-24
  • Fri 30.8. 14-01
  • Sat 31.8. 12-01

There is also live music in addition to beers and food: Thursday Sound Blast Profile, Friday Hämis and Saturday Maya Paakkari Duo.

Read more and get your tickets here. See you there!